Uganda child education
Educational situation in Uganda
- Problems of education in Uganda
Too many students in one class (60 people). Rampant corporal punishment (striking with a stick). Lack of textbooks and teaching materials, especially lack of laboratory equipment in science education. It only teaches knowledge and does not conduct experiments. There are supported books and devices, but they remain in the cardboard box. It is not used. A class style where teachers read a book and students copy it to a notebook. The teacher will only tell you the answer. So kids don't think. Children have hours of study that are not fun.
It is an educational method that “stuffs the child ’s head into memory” for testing purposes. A school only for qualification purposes. Moreover, children's parents want this educational method. If the pass rate to the above school is low, parents will transfer students. The parent is checking the child's notebook. That's why teachers have to let kids make organized notebooks. School teaches children English and math early in kindergarten. Small children need to learn while playing. Therefore, this educational method is depriving "the chance for children to discover for themselves".
There are many frauds in the exam. Teachers sell exam questions to help fraud. The old syllabus is a hooking problem in the test. (Even now, it is similar to the British 40 years ago). Few teachers really understand the subject matter. Teaches the same way teachers learned when they were children. The teacher makes the child wait. The teacher reminds children even if they don't understand. A teacher who is not good at mathematics makes a student who hates mathematics, and that becomes the next teacher. A teacher who doesn't concentrate on things. Teachers are also slow at scoring exams. The teacher is not able to manage time. Some teachers do not come to school.
There are other children who cannot go to elementary school due to economic reasons. Most children do not have textbooks. Library maintenance is required. Even if I leave the above school, I can't get a job. Teachers are busy doing side work for their own lives. The teacher does not follow the curriculum decided by the school. The child eats the same meal (posho and beans) every day.
These may be problems of the underlying Uganda society, rather than education problems. In other words, it is not a superficial problem with the educational system, but I think that the Ugandan people's behavior and thinking are causing educational problems. The keyword is awareness reform. So what can we do? I think we have no choice but to do it steadily. The reason why Uganda people are unable to manage their time may be due to how they were raised when they were children. There are many parents and teachers who can talk to children and take away their independence of mind. Before that, it is also prohibited by Convention on the Rights of the Child. Such violence treats a child like an animal, and there is no longer a chance to convey it in words or think for yourself. People act instinctively, that is, they submit to strong ones. People become challenging to the weak. People cannot act in accordance with morals or ethics. One cannot follow his conscience. People cannot take action without external compulsion. That's why it is common practice for people to wait forever. Great people make people wait. People who are not great will not complain. This may be Uganda's bad habit. It is a great loss for society that people are potentially capable but not able to demonstrate it.
In Uganda, problems are not surfaced because of the strong relationships between family members and communities, but as the number of children decreases and the individual way of life becomes questioned in the future as the economy develops, self-management Violence against children who rob their abilities will be a major problem in Uganda. As in Japan, as the society changes, the education that has been held down will not work, and various problems will come to the surface. Japan also has a variety of problems, but we must face up to the reality in front of us.
The best thing about Uganda education is that it focuses on AIDS education. In elementary schools, the content of health is included in the science curriculum, and a lot of time is spent on health and AIDS countermeasures. The Ministry of Education is instructing to include AIDS stories at meetings and other events. In fact, when visiting guests speak at school events, AIDS countermeasures always come up. Schools also have AIDS themes in music, dance and theater contests. I think that the recognition that it is a serious problem has taken root.
- Courses with elementary school, junior high school, high school
Uganda ’s education system is It is a system. I go to elementary school from 6 years old for 7 years. Graduate if you do not pass the elementary school graduation examination (national examination). I can't work. If you do n’t pass, you ’ll fail and study. You will either fix it or drop out. Junior high school is four years. High school is 2 years. each There is a national exam at the time of graduation. From 2 years
4 years. Junior high school and high school are also called college
So be careful.
Before elementary school there is a kindergarten. It is divided by age. Some children do not go to kindergarten. However, most children go to elementary school. Elementary school fees are free under government policy. However, some children cannot pay for school uniforms, and some cannot enter the classroom. There is no school district (school zone) designation for elementary school. So children can enter any elementary school. Choose from nearby elementary school (day school). Alternatively, children choose a reputable boarding school (a school where they stay in dormitories). Boarding school is a good environment to study, but expensive.
Many children go to junior high school after graduating from elementary school. However, children can be carpenters, brick craftsmen, and clothes (even if they graduate from elementary school or not). Children can enter a Practical Course for that purpose. There is a national exam for each qualification. You can work without a qualification. However, it is advantageous to have a qualification to get a job.
After graduating from junior high school, there are many career paths besides high school. You can go to elementary school teacher training school, nursing school, technical school, commercial school, home economics school, vocational school, etc. After graduating from high school, you can enter junior high school teacher training colleges, technical colleges, commercial colleges, and medical schools. To become an elementary school teacher, after graduating from junior high school, study for two years at an elementary school for teacher training and take a national examination for teacher qualification. To become a junior high school / high school teacher, go to secondary school teacher training college after graduating from high school, study for two years and take the national exam.
= Nursery School.
primary school
= Primary School.
Junior high school
= Secondary School Ordinary Level.
high school
= Secondary School Advanced Level.
= University.
Elementary school graduation examination
= PLE = Primary Leaving Examinations.
Junior high school graduation exam
= UCE = Uganda Certificate of Education.
High school graduation exam
= UACE = Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education.
University graduation qualification
(2-year course) Diploma (3-year course) Higher Diploma (4-year course) Degree.
Elementary school teacher training school
= PTC = Primary Teaches' College.
Nursing school
= Nursing School.
Technical school
= Technical School.
Commercial school
= Business School.
Home economics school
= Home management School.
Vocational training school
= VTI = Vocational Training Institute.
Junior college for training secondary school teachers
= NTC = National Teachers' College.
Technical university
= UTC = Uganda Technical College.
Commercial university
= UCC = Uganda Commercial College.
Medical school
= Medical School.
- Policies and tuition to disseminate elementary school education
The Uganda government has put emphasis on education. The government is promoting the spread of elementary school education. As a first step, elementary school tuition for up to four children per family is now free. Therefore, in 1996, the number of elementary school children was 2.7 million. However, in 1997, it jumped to 5.3 million people. Since 2000, all elementary school tuition for all children has been free. The number of children is 6.6 million and the enrollment rate is over 100%. The reason for this is that the demographics are underestimating the number of children, and enrolling before school age or school age.
The number of elementary schools increased from about 8500 in 1996 to about 12,500 in 2000. The number of teachers has increased rapidly from 44,000 in 1996 to 110,000 in 2000. The number of children per teacher is 60 (national average). Actually, it is much harder and there are about 80 students per class at an elementary school near me.
School fees are free of charge for elementary school, but in addition to school uniforms, textbooks and school supplies, boarding schools (all dorm schools) also require dormitory meals. Some schools also collect money to build school buildings. A private elementary school costs more than a public elementary school. Instead, public elementary schools have around 80-100 people per class, but private elementary schools have less than 40 people per class. Public elementary school children don't have textbooks, but in private elementary schools, some schools buy and prepare textbooks. Private elementary school seems to be studying in a good environment instead of high money.
These sources are from Mitsuo Mino, the 14th primary team science and mathematics teacher. I translated because there is no material in English. Because I think this information is for people to know. Thank you.
I really think so. I had this story with Esta. She also said she agrees.