
Report of SFBC Phase1

This Hello everyone, i'm satoru. I think this year will be a busy time as we approach the end of the year. Also, is it only me that I felt suddenly cold and the autumn of Japan with beautiful autumn leaves felt short?

So our SFBC started in November 2018 last year. We finished the first “Financial Closing Date” on “October 31”. On the 20th, I submitted my documents to the Tax Division of Kashihara City in Nara Prefecture. It finished successfully.



Below, SFBC has released a B/S and P/L and cost pie chart.


B/S for SFBC 1'st Created date:2019/11/20 by Satoru

SFBC's balance sheet for the end of the term "2018/11-2019/10"

cash                                               0
Bank deposit (Japan Post)         123,741 Yen
Bank deposit (Daiwa Shinkin)       0
Total assets                                   123,741 Yen

Short-term borrowings           64,936 Yen
Long-term borrowings               0
deposit                                       0
Total liabilities                              64,936 Yen

net worth
capital stock                           100,000 Yen
Loss money                             41,195 Yen
Total net worth                           58,805 Yen

"Total liabilities" and "net worth"    123,741 Yen



P/L for SFBC 1'st Created date:2019/11/20 by Satoru

SFBC's Profit and loss statement for the end of the term "2018/11-2019/10"

Donations received                         1,434,646 Yen
Interest income                                           0
Acceptance grant                                        0
Savings deposit interest                              0
Total Revenue                                      1,434,646 Yen

consumable goods                             6,567 Yen
Equipment                                         4,790 Yen
Start-up costs                                    13,300 Yen
Advertising costs                              26,858 Yen
Entertainment fee                               2,160 Yen
Founding fee                                     110,800 Yen
Communication costs                         461 Yen
Overseas support
Direct TINE donation                     65,000 Yen
Transfer fee                                       432 Yen
TINE Donation with PayForex        1,245,473 Yen
tax                                                         0
Total Expense                                    1,475,841 Yen

Net loss                                              41,195 Yen



Cost pie chart for SFBC 1'st Created date:2019/11/20 by Satoru

Color description:

Red               is Overseas support

Orange         is Founding fee

Yellow           is Advertising costs

Green             is Start-up costs

Blue               is consumable goods

Black              is Equipment 

Violet            is Other



We can look back on the year. We realize that God's work is amazing. First of all, “God moved our hearts”, a continuous donation from the first month at 50,000 yen (about $ 454) (including shipping).  Surprisingly, the average number of people is only about 10.

Click here for details.


This year's big event

Also, as a major event this year, the construction of the orphanage resumed. The total donation for this is about 1.2 million yen (about 10,000 dollars). The completion rate is 85% as of last night.(2019/11/20)

Click here for a video of the construction in progress

Why did God send me to Uganda?

And the “poor man Satoru” was suddenly added to Uganda ’s mission.
And I got down to Kampala again last October.

Why did God do this?  I understood this meaning. “God showed me” was Ester, Moses, Joel and co-workers “the actual situation” of living with orphans. Why is it?

Below are the answers.

I was looking at the financial report (Excel table) from TINE sent to SFBC. I couldn't find a deficit or other borrowing there. So I thought I was satisfied accountingly.

But there was a "shortage or insufficient". I think you watched the video. Ester received $ 5,300 and cried “in front of the new house under construction”.

She always prayed with worries about whether she could pay her monthly rent, her monthly tuition, or her monthly food.
Why “I who didn’t go to school” can had this job? Ester said he was praying every morning every morning. That's how she spoke.

But, then “normally bright Uganda” were not able to hear when they were in the field because “we didn't have enough time”. After returning home, I asked Ester and TINE members. But I could not know the details of the specific deficit.I don't know whether the monthly amount is "a little short" or "a lot short". I was very worried about it.

But he too doesn't tell me. He also says abstractly so I don't understand.
But he too also doesn't tell me anything concrete. He also says abstractly so I don't understand. I am tenacious. I told him “I want you to tell me more specifically”. And he talked about the facts.

Rent                 $ 264 = 29,040 yen / month: cheap than Japan
Electricity fee   $ 27.03 = 2,973 yen / month
Water bill         $ 41.5 = 4,565 yen / month: expensive than Japan!!!
Food cost        $ 191 = 21,010 yen / month: 50 people cheaper than Japan
School             $ 140 = 15,400yen / month: 43 people than Japan
Other               $ 81.27 = 8,940 yen / month
Monthly total  $ 744.8 = 81,928 yen

From SFBC, shipping costs are $ 410 = 45,100 yen.
That's obviously not enough ‼

Then why?
Did I not notice in TINE's accounting Excel chart?
The answer is that TINE had the school wait for "payment of children's tuition". So it is not expressed in TINE accounting.

----------Finally Joel told me.
We have paid rent fully. And food is fully covered. The water at times was disconnected because had could not pay it in time. Sometimes a water bill could be paid in the next month because the money in that particular month was not enough.

For the electricity, what you pay is what you use, so at times we could go without electricity and lights because we did not have money to pay for it. During such times we use candles for light.

For school fees, as I wrote in the report, we talk to the school management and they allow the children in school and we pay later, at times we could take like two months without paying school fees.

Last month we received more funds than the rest of the months, so we were able to full clear the water bill balance full, and part of the pending school fees.
Up to now. Regarding this shortage of tuition, “God raised $1600 this month. So I can send about $1600 (It's 176,000 yen). That's for November 2019.

I understand it well.
God loves Ester very much.


Thank you very much for reading this very long sentence. It has already begun on November 1st, but the second term of SFBC will continue to pray with you and rely on God to advance. I think it is expected to go up to a higher level. Because, when Esta's orphanage is completed, I feel over 100 people in no time. Please pray together if you like. Always return all glory to the Lord God.

2019/11/21 Satoru


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