Comparison of prices
The unit of money in Uganda is Ush Uganda Shilling.
Let's convert it to Japanese yen. (Summer 2018)
1Ush == 0.03 yen == 0.00027USD
1000Ush == 30 yen == 0.27USD
10,000 Ush == 300 yen == 2.72USD
100,000 Ush == 3,000 yen == 27.17USD
1 million Ush == 30,000 yen == 271.67USD
10 million Ush == 300,000 yen == 2716.70 USD
100 million Ush == 3 million yen == 27167.00USD
1 billion Ush == 30 million yen == 271670.00USD
Real-time price information of Kampala city
Here are the details.
Rice 1 kg 3000Ush => 89 yen => 0.82USD
Yellow Bean 1Kg 2200Ush => 65yen => 0.60USD
International call 3 minutes from Kampala to Japan 2528Ush => 75 yen => 0.69USD
AA battery 66 pack 3500Ush => 105 yen => 75 yen => 0.95USD
Pea 1 kg 4000Ush => 119 yen => 1.09USD
Bible small size 20000Ush => 600 yen => 5.43USD
Bible with large case 50000Ush => 1500 yen => 13.58USD
Plastic bucket large size 25000Ush => 740 yen => 6.79USD

Banana (Matoke) Hitofusa 5000Ush => 150 yen (1.40 USD) Matoke is a small food banana

The rear of the motorbike is the amount of food (10,000 yen (93.48 USD)).
This is the food for a month for 15 children.
So, for 100 children, 3,300,000Ush => 100,000 yen (934.80USD)

Land 2 Aker (2 acres is approximately 2400 tsubo)
≒ ~ 50,000,000Ush ~ (Of course, depending on the location)
≒ ~ US5000 ~ US10000 ~ ≒ ~ 500 ~ 1.5 million yen ~ (4674 ~ 14022USD)
But, get closer to the city, the land is expensive. For example, Location:Kyengera: 2 acres is 21.8 million yen. (203753USD)