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About TINE


TINE means "God's burning flame" that burns away bad things. Jeremiah Black, an American missionary, founded the name of this group. 
(In the previous articles, I mentioned the information that Mr. P from Ireland had founded the group, but I understand now after being informed by the original founder, so I will correct it)

Jeremiah was had a few cars and owned a boat in the United States. However, he had some difficult times, including bankruptcy of his company, his father's alcoholism, his mother's suicide on Christmas day, and letting go of his home, car and boat, and experiencing his own homelessness. He thought that "the biblical God taught in the weekly church was a weak God, but that He may really be different, so he decided to look for the real God. In those days, he experienced the real God of healing. And he came to think that it was his mission to tell that to others.

At that time, he heard a voice telling him that “You will go to Uganda” by Holy Spirit. Jeremiah listened to God on the plane. He asked, "Who should I meet in Uganda?" The voice said, "See a woman named Ester." And Jeremiah did meet Ester.

At that time, Ester was already awakened to the love of Christ and knew what to do, but she was looking for ways to make it happen. In 2016, Ester met Jeremiah when she had already lived with 16 orphans in a rag hut in Kisenyi slums. Jeremiah learned that Ester had not yet been baptized. He baptized Ester in water and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Jeremiah also managed to get a passport for Ester, who had no proof of nationality.  At that time, some of the people who helped Ester were from Ireland. From that  relationship, I established TINE ON THE MOUNTAIN MINISTRIES Uganda with the title "TINE" which means fire in Irish. Ester then started a ministry in earnest to rescue many the children of the slums and preach Christ to the villagers.

As of 2020, the ministry is still small, with only four main members, with several church pastors and villages awakened to the love of Christ and they started working together . Of course, it is Ester that plays a central role and works in the ministry daily.


Namutebi Ester Taka
Tel: +256-705-338-885



Missionary Jeremiah

Ester was baptized by Jeremiah.

Jeremiah is in the center.

Ester often goes on expedition with Jeremiah

This is a small village in North Uganda. This was a place where the border between Sudan and Congo was near and the war was intense. And Esta and Jeremiah visited the camp where a lot of war orphans live to pray. Please check this out for details.



2019/8/19:The following is an Ester post from FaceBook.

The original is this FaceBook link.

Open Letter to Friends of “Tine on the Mountain”
I have never written a letter like this before, but the number of followers of the ministry has increased. so I believe the Lord would want each of you to understand the effort put forth to help orphans and to find out about where the ministry came from - where it is today - some of you may know but a greater number do not. “Tine on the Mountain” began about three years ago when I had taken in about sixteen orphans ? we lived in the slum of Nsambia, in a two - room shack. 

The toilet was located outside the building and there wasn’t a kitchen. Any cooking to be done was accomplished on a small charcoal cooker. it didn’t matter if it rained the kids had to be fed. There were no beds inside the rooms. so, the kids would sleep on the floor where they could find a place. This was still better for them than sleeping alone outside. where they faced the possibility of being raped, beaten, and possibly worse. Gradually as friends found out about this work for the Lord support started coming in - beds were purchased. I was able to serve food other than rice.

The kids were thankful for the two room shack just as I was - it was a home many of them never had - they knew that I loved them. The number of orphans that were beginning to be helped increased until today. there are forty-six orphans as well as fifteen young mothers who were abandoned by the men who conceived their babies. The Lord has provided a large home surrounded by walls so the kids feel secure.  The Lord has performed one miracle after another - providing school fees, shoes, clothing and especially food. the residents know they are loved by an awesome God. 

As so often happens when a great work is starting to bear fruit Satan steps up his attacks, persecution begins.  I was attacked personally by three individuals I friended. (all claimed to be “born again”) They decided that they wanted to run the orphanage. - take over. 

Note: Satoru: The meaning of some people aiming for orphanage management means that some people aim to live on donations for orphans.

They began praying that I die and one woman even gave a prophecy that the Lord was going to kill me. I didn’t die so they left. The next attack was a blow at our finances resulting when friends of the ministry. listened to lies and half-truths thereby deciding to stop support. I wish those who previously supported the ministry to be blessed. without their efforts the work as it currently exists could not be possible. therefore thank you. I have been approached by many who question. why the Lord would use me to do this work why not someone else? I don't know the answers to these questions.

I have no education, I had to teach myself to read and write. I guess you could say that God has chosen one of the foolish of the world to confound the wise - what other explanation could there be?  I have been forced to grow up a lot in the last three years as the attacks have increased from unlikely sources. Today the ministry has the highest certification issued by the Ugandan government - a NGO.  Many groups claiming to help orphans have been around longer but have never been given a NGO. This certification will open doors to assistance without obligation to any government agency. PRAISE GOD!

As the ministry has gained support through government recognition Satan has once again stepped up his attacks to destroy the work before it can expand again. The first attack was personal. the second was aimed at our support from friends who were convinced to stop helping us by listening to lies believed as truth. Now a new attack has come to my attention. One of my most trusted ministry officers has been contacting friends of the ministry asking that money be donated to his cause. having nothing to do with “Tine on the Mountain.” 

Note; Satoru: That would be a bribe request

I may be an uneducated woman but the power of the Holy Spirit operating in my life is underestimated. If you have received a solicitation for funds from any officer of the ministry for something that would only benefit that officer please ignore the request and report the issue to me.  I want my friends to understand that I am not doing this to enrich myself - I would help these kids regardless of what Satan tries to do to discourage me - it is in my heart. I am also aware that the majority of African ministries have been established for one purpose - deceive as many white westerns as possible. “Tine on the Mountain” has one purpose to salvage as many “street kids” as possible before the Lord’s return. To those friends who continue to support the ministry and those who are thinking about support, I want to assure you that clothes, bibles, or money you send is properly distributed. 

I cherish the new status the ministry has received with the government - their continued oversight into ministry activity will hopefully alleviate any concerns you might have - this is not the typical African ministry. I am constantly learning and growing please keep me and the ministry in your prayers - when I make a mistake - I only ask that you show mercy.

Love Ester




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